An insight as to the many runs and daily jive I embark on. Sometimes there's even a snappy photo. Ooooo hahaha.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Creatures. Are. We. All.

It's taken 27 years for me to wake up from this monotonous slumber. Some people awaken at an early age and become Adventurers in the truest sense of the word. Exploring and experiencing what life has to offer and suckling on the giant nipple of existence. But for some, unfortunately it takes us a hell of a lot longer...we become so self involved in what we think is the right path that we forget the big picture. To enjoy all of this. To be able to breathe in that huge breath of nervous energy mixed with overwhelming courage before we jump out of an airplane thousands of feet in the air. Or experiencing that single moment of intense euphoria before inviting a mass of people to sing along with you as you scream the lyrics to a song you've literally put your sweat and blood into. All of these moments just continue to add up as I face myself after so many years of being the kid in the back, or the quiet one. No longer. Hiding behind the camera isn't an option. Speaking softly and carrying a big stick has combusted into scream into the night and carry an axe. And I won't apologize for it. I'm a loud, sometimes obnoxiously hyper creature with good and bad habits alike. For the most part, I've been dropping my bad habits along the way during this little journey. It's ridiculous to say that I'm a completely different person, but there is a distinct difference in this being before you...almost as if I crave new experiences and a ravenous degree. And I enjoy it...So I know this is an early start to 2010...but here's to fucking screaming into the night!

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About Me

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Open minded, sometimes soft spoken, not as selfish as I was when I was a younger man, a bleeding heart to positive people for sure, a non alcoholic(as I loves the soda), a lover of music and a soon to be photo journalist of some sort.
