An insight as to the many runs and daily jive I embark on. Sometimes there's even a snappy photo. Ooooo hahaha.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Updating this "blog" as well as looking for another job/better job finally, and adding some changes to the myspace page. Some plans have changed but I still hold a passion for this in my heart of hearts, and if I can turn this into a nice side business that would be great as well. But before I really get into the changes, I've got some photos to show of where I've been and what I've been up to or not so much up to but experiencing.

The 2 best friends...not skating.

PhotobucketLinda, the sister from another mister.

Possible studio space.
I love this big guy, I hope he never loses this puppy like affection.

KYLIE FACTOR REUNION WAS INSANE! Those gents are amazing artists and musicians.
I love this estate. It's old school and I would love to shoot here sometime.

Yes. Those are freaking Christmas tree cookies! I have never had the honor of eating an actual Christmas tree cookie. :(

to be cont'ed...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Writing, playing, running, stop. repeat.

Major changes. I decided to make a huge alteration in my plans. I want to make a difference in people's lives on a daily basis. Photography won't really do that for me. It's fullfilling on a personal level but that's it. It's a passion that I'll always pursue...but I want to be an emt. Eventually make my way into the ranks of the paramedics. I realize that I'm a bit of a jack of all trades, but I think I could make a decent living as well as career out of this in order to travel and experience as much as possible while I'm here helping people. Originally it was a toss up between criminalistics and EMT training/school. But I think this is the best choice, for me at least.
As for music. I am incredibly excited, because I'm playing more guitar and will be picking up the harmonica soon. I'm aslo really enthused at the opportunity to play with my two best friends! What with Linda picking up the violin and Jax learning the cello's going to be...insane. Why I waited this long to do just inexcusable. But I don't mind. It's going to be a terribly, hilariously, wildly, rampantly, ferociously gooood time. HAH!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dos Mil Diez.

A list of things I'd like to do and see before 2011.
Go to NY.
Go to Cali.
Go to Flo-rida.
Go to Washington.
Go to Canada.
Go to various parts of europe(probably all in one trip).
Skydive(look out for mustache ride 2010)
Perform an acoustic set somewhere.
Finally get some ink done.
Run the full Rock n Roll Marathon.
Pick up a local or out of town position as a staff photographer for a good music publication.
Continuously nurture and feed Attaque Studios to fruition.
Shoot everything. I don't want to leave San Antonio wondering why I didn't do more. So bring it lady, I'll shoot: pretty much everyone and everything that wants photos! 
Start the silkscreen tee's.

to be continued....

Monday, November 16, 2009


The road was a path to salvation, laid before him. Paved in hopes of self definition and enlightenment.

Sidewalks were too much trouble to effectively run on since they seemed to narrow then widen, and slope at various degrees for no apparent reason. He took to running as habitually as a devout Christian takes to praying before god. His routine became increasingly more fluid in the days that followed his first attempt. No matter the time of day, he would always run a simple course. A few turns and steady slopes in this vastly rising city and the passion he used to hate this world upon itself, soon began to decrease...There began to float into his life, certain parts of this city that he...enjoyed?
Weeks passed, and the steps he left in the wet darkened streets kept his heart at a steady beat. He had found his new addiction, and could not stop. On days he had to miss, due to injury or lack of time he felt as if he were leaving the front door of his home completely open to any and all malevolent endeavors. It was a lacking in his heart and soul that he could not fill but with this one simple act. In his mind it seems, he had found this therapy that could not be paid for, or fully comprehended. It just happened to rise up from previous fits of depression and flat out misfortune. Bubbling to the surface, one day he just felt this need to run. It wasn't so much a need to run from any problems or stresses in his life. But to run through them. It was the act of running while mentally: screaming, laughing, searching, compromising, interpreting, filtering, reiterating, crying, fighting, loving, suffering, empathizing, dying, and yes even often times praying. He would literally "run through" everything. And his faith in himself soon began to rise from the grave, as he felt more whole then he had in any previous years that he could remember. He never would have imagined, that this one simple act would give him the faith in life that he had always been missing.

Just a few short sentences on this whole passion for running that has surfaced in these recent weeks. I'm no pro, nor am I planning to run in the olympics or anything. But for me it's been life altering to say the least. I know it sounds like I may be getting a little ahead of myself, but doing this for my own personal reason with the benefits not just being physical health, is saving me in so many ways that it's sometimes difficult to explain. Which is why I slapped this little account of my thoughts on the subject together. Who knows, maybe next year I'll be able to run in Europe...that will be so awesome. And in case you didn't know, I do plan to run on every trip I take...for all of the best reasons of course.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Creatures. Are. We. All.

It's taken 27 years for me to wake up from this monotonous slumber. Some people awaken at an early age and become Adventurers in the truest sense of the word. Exploring and experiencing what life has to offer and suckling on the giant nipple of existence. But for some, unfortunately it takes us a hell of a lot longer...we become so self involved in what we think is the right path that we forget the big picture. To enjoy all of this. To be able to breathe in that huge breath of nervous energy mixed with overwhelming courage before we jump out of an airplane thousands of feet in the air. Or experiencing that single moment of intense euphoria before inviting a mass of people to sing along with you as you scream the lyrics to a song you've literally put your sweat and blood into. All of these moments just continue to add up as I face myself after so many years of being the kid in the back, or the quiet one. No longer. Hiding behind the camera isn't an option. Speaking softly and carrying a big stick has combusted into scream into the night and carry an axe. And I won't apologize for it. I'm a loud, sometimes obnoxiously hyper creature with good and bad habits alike. For the most part, I've been dropping my bad habits along the way during this little journey. It's ridiculous to say that I'm a completely different person, but there is a distinct difference in this being before you...almost as if I crave new experiences and a ravenous degree. And I enjoy it...So I know this is an early start to 2010...but here's to fucking screaming into the night!

About Me

My photo
Open minded, sometimes soft spoken, not as selfish as I was when I was a younger man, a bleeding heart to positive people for sure, a non alcoholic(as I loves the soda), a lover of music and a soon to be photo journalist of some sort.
